3 Fun Ways Communities Can Help TGMH

By Sariah Stephen (Volunteer)


There Goes My Hero (TGMH) is a non-profit organization that aims to save lives by adding potential donors to the National Blood Marrow Registry and supporting those affected by blood cancer. Donations help TGMH assist those impacted by blood cancer with the unexpected costs of treatment. However, while many want to support TGMH and its mission, most simply do not know where to begin. 

So, here are a few ways to help you and your community get started: 


Pennies for Patients and Penny Wars 

While the simplest version of this fundraiser idea consists of participants collecting as much money as possible to be donated, variations exist that allow all members of a community to pitch in and do their part. Summer camps, religious organizations, clubs, businesses, and others can hold fundraisers like Penny Wars within their groups. Versions of Penny Wars can include elements like teams, positive and negative points, incentives, and more.


Neighborhood Fundraisers 

Neighborhoods can come together to fundraise as well! Flyers can be created to advertise a block’s fundraising booth. To raise money, residents may consider holding activities like ring toss, bowling, caricatures, and face painting, or selling goods like cookies, jewelry, pins, and more. Proceeds could then be donated to the TGMH Hero Fund. 


Talent Shows 

If you can sing, dance, play an instrument, act, or have any other talent you’d like to showcase, you can help TGMH too! Schools, neighborhoods, or social groups can hold talent shows to support the Hero Fund. Consider ticketed entry, raffles during the event, or donation boxes to raise money. A talent show could prove to be an engaging format for a fundraiser- joined by music, laughter, and fun! 


These are only a few of the many ways communities can support There Goes My Hero. It is important that everyone does their part to help save and support the lives of those impacted by blood cancer. This year, call your community together to make a difference in the lives of others!