Introducing Our New Executive Director, Llewellyn Dixon
There Goes My Hero would like to give a warm welcome to our new Executive Director, Llewellyn Dixon.
Llewellyn Dixon is a native of Germantown, MD and a child of Liberian immigrant parents. After finishing high school in Maryland, he moved to Atlanta, GA where he received a BA in Religion from Morehouse College and a Master of Divinity from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology.
Llewellyn’s passion is people and as such he has dedicated his life and career to helping people overcome hardships and become better versions of themselves. He has been able to do this as a pastor and leadership development coach. Llewellyn comes to Hero with over 10 years of experience working with nonprofit organizations in various capacities – in every role from unpaid intern to Executive Director.
There Goes My Hero is special to Llewellyn because the mission is special – Save lives. Provide hope. Help those impacted by blood cancer. With his role as Executive Director, Llewellyn plans to increase the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry and spread awareness of the urgent need for donors of color – recognizing that people of color have a significantly lower chance of finding a donor and surviving simply because there was no one to match with them.
When he’s not working with Hero, Llewellyn is an avid runner and enjoys spending time outdoors and with family and friends.
We look forward to Llewellyn’s leadership as he helps us continue our mission in saving lives, providing hope, and helping those impacted by blood cancer.