Joy as a Distant Friend by Victoria Ezeukwu

Volunteer Poem Spotlight

This poem is curated to give all the lovely, strong, and amazing individuals diagnosed with blood cancer a reason to smile, be strong, and keep faith and hope alive. 


Joy is that friend that we often only invite when we are in tune with the rhythm of our emotions.  

We give our friend Joy a shoutout when we are at our best.  

Joy is so close to happiness; the stay of joy can feel so long-lasting.  

But when life comes with its overwhelming waves, it’s as though our dear friend Joy disappears and gets washed away with them.  

But did you know that our dear friend, Joy, never actually leaves? 

Joy isn’t the friend that comes and steals the whole attention, Joy is soft, warm, and near. 

Joy has a portal to healing, hope, light, clarity, and love! How powerful is Joy? 

Joy is radical but also slow and steady; you let it in, and it soothes your heart. 

Joy is so unpretentious; if you invite it genuinely, its effect is as vibrant as the sun on a summer morning. 

Joy can also be complex and hard to invite, into the depth of our deepest touches of melancholy. 

But Joy opens your faith, Joy is that cheerleader that tells you, “Yes, you can do this!” 

Joy is a relative variable; its diversity is a work of art. Joy can be everywhere and in everything. 

But remember Joy is not a marathon, but rather a beautiful ride on a bicycle -only if you let it. 

Joy doesn’t always explode and invade like a firecracker; sometimes it holds your hand too.