Verses of Hope – Empowering Blood Cancer Patients Through the Power of Poetry

Victoria, a high school student with a knack for poetry, shares her reasons for using her words to inspire blood cancer patients. With a direct impact, her previous work is currently featured in cards of encouragement that we give out to the blood cancer patients at the Johns Hopkins Hackerman-Patz Patient and Family Pavilion. We had Victoria answer some questions about how she empowers blood cancer patients through the power of poetry.


What inspires you in your poem writing? 

As a writer, my inspiration comes from a variety of streams. I get inspired by my life, people, even random occurrences. I genuinely feel like inspiration can be so random yet crucial in the creative process. 


What do you hope patients feel when they read your poems? 

I hope they feel loved and valued! In our world, it’s often so hard to take a moment to give ourselves encouragement, let alone offer it to others. One thing I strive to do in life is share love in any way I can, because everyone faces struggles, and it can’t hurt to be positive!


What do you think makes poetry a unique way of offering comfort and joy to people facing illness? 

Poetry is unique because there is just something about having a written reflection of something you might struggle to express. To me, poetry is like a messenger to the soul and to emotions. It pours into encouragement, because poetry’s nature is so flexible that you can interpret it in whichever way and that is beautiful.


How has your experience been volunteering with There Goes My Hero? 

My experience has been absolutely lovely! I’ve learnt a lot and it genuinely has changed my perspective on so many things, giving me a new outlook on why I do the things I do! I have loved my experience so far.

This poem is a reminder to all beautiful souls out there: 


No matter the season, no matter life’s landscape, 

You can create your own reality, choose beauty over strife. 

Though darkness may seem easier, your inner strength prevails, 

A radiant force that guides you through life’s trials and struggles. 


What’s worth more is the beauty you hold within, 

The resilience that carries you through turmoil and spin. 

You are never alone; your spirit shines bright, 

A beacon of hope in the darkest of nights. 


By Vicotria Ezeukwu